What To Expect When Outsourcing: Software Integration Edition

Software is meant to help you and solve challenges. It is meant to create efficiencies, streamline processes and make it easy to store and retrieve information. We can manage our schedules, projects, finances and even get us from point A to point B. In today’s world, it really is imperative for businesses to incorporate software to be successful. 

The more we incorporate software, the more efficient we can become, right?! Yes, but there is a catch. To really take full advantage of your software, especially your financial and construction software, it is important to integrate them. But it is just as important, maybe even more important, to get them integrated properly.

Integrated Software

Integrating software means creating the link and mapping fields between the two softwares so information can be communicated between the two. Simply implementing the software will not create efficiencies and could actually make things more difficult for you. It is important to develop a plan before you integrate your software. How does information flow? What fields need to be mapped together? Who will be involved in the process? All things that your plan should include. Once your software is fully integrated and working for you, that is when you will see the most benefit and efficiencies.

Signs You Need Help Integrating Software

Now let’s talk about when you try to integrate your software, and something just isn’t right. If it is not integrated properly, it could be creating unnecessary extra work. You may feel like it’s more of a headache than what it’s worth. If you feel this, it may be time to get some help so you can experience the benefits of having truly integrated software. Here are some other signs: 

  • Need to input the same information into both softwares (double-entry = more changes of errors!)
  • Information is not moving where it should be.
  • It just feels like there should be a better way.
  • Reports are not correct.
  • Not getting the support you need to troubleshoot, and fix your issues.
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Finding a Partner

When looking for help getting your construction software and your financial software integrated, it sounds so basic, but find someone who knows BOTH softwares. Although the software companies are great and know what their software can do, they don’t always know the other software and its capabilities as well (and nor should they). Their job is to help you with their specific offering. When you can find someone who knows both, they can really help make the connection between the two and find the best setup for your company.

Working With a Partner

Once you start getting to work with a partner, the setup or the fix may not happen overnight. There are many things to consider when integrating software and it’s important to get it right so that you really can work smarter, not harder. Although each situation is different, here’s a breakdown of what you should be able to expect when outsourcing software integration.

  1. Consultation
    The first step is to take a look at your current setup and identify the challenges you are having now. They will want to walk through the softwares you are using and how you are currently using them (separately and together) to get a general idea of your current situation. Your goals and expectations will be discussed here as well.

  2. A Deeper Dive
    Once you have decided on a partner, they will want to do a deeper dive. They will want to be sure they understand your business, your goals, what is working for you/what is not, and how you are hoping your process will function. This could be one meeting or it could be a series of meetings, all depending on your situation. This is a time to look at what you are currently doing to see if it is really working for you, or if there are even more efficient ways to do certain processes. All of the information gathered here will be used for the next step.

  3. Develop an Action Plan
    Developing a plan is such an important step and each will be a little different. Everything that has gathered so far will be taken into consideration to determine how to best get you set up for success. Your cost codes, chart of accounts, team members involved in your processes and how your business operates will all be looked at to see where efficiencies can be made. Reporting will also be considered here so you can get the numbers you need to run your business. It is important to note that you will be involved in this step and you will ultimately have control over how you want things to work.

  4. Check-in
    Once the plan is developed, it is good to do a check-in to make sure everyone is on the same page and agrees to how your processes and software will work in the end. There could be some revising and adjusting done to the plan here, but the biggest thing is to make sure that you approve to go forward.

  5. Implementation
    Now, it’s time to get busy. The partner will start the process of updating and implementing everything that was in the plan to get your software integrated. Because there are potentially a lot of tasks, people, functions, etc. involved, it is a big undertaking to get it right. Again, no situation is exactly the same but a general time frame could be 4-6 weeks. Implementation also includes training on the software and workflow that has been laid out. You and your team should feel comfortable with the new setup before the handoff is complete.

  6. Follow Up
    Another check-in and follow up will happen after you and your team have had a chance to work with your newly integrated software and workflow. This is to make sure everything is working as expected and meets your expectations on what was agreed upon.

Benefits of Outsourcing Software Integration

As you can see, there is a lot to consider when integrating software. It isn’t just the software itself, but also how they work together, who all is involved, how the processes actually work. The experience will go smoother than if you had to do it yourself. If you find the right partner, their knowledge and expertise in both software platforms can help you find new functionalities you haven’t been taking advantage of and optimize what you are doing. An added bonus is if they have experience in your specific industry, that will help them understand the terminology, how your business operates and challenges you may be facing within your company. 

With all that being said, your software and workflow is such an important part of your business. When done right, it can save you time, money and can then help with your profitability. 

24hr Bookkeeper is dedicated to the construction industry and understands how your business operates. We work in many construction softwares and are QuickBooks® Online Certified ProAdvisors so we know how the softwares work and can work together. Our experience will help get your business running efficiently and streamlined. 

Get a hold of us today to find out how we can help you!