FAQs About Construction Payroll Services—Answered!

Many people want to know the differences between payroll services for construction businesses and general ones. Well, the good news is, there aren’t too many differences, so it’s easier to get the hang of it.

Some companies choose to outsource their payroll functions. This is because they do not have the software required for payroll processing, which requires the need for external intervention.

Reading a company’s website isn’t enough to understand how they generate payrolls to provide salaries to their employees. So, it helps to understand common FAQs about construction payroll services.

What Are Construction Payroll Services and How Do They Work?

Construction companies provide similar payroll services as other businesses. Essentially, money is subtracted from the employer’s bank accounts and distributed to employees.

All employees are under a contractual agreement to receive a set amount monthly. The terms of their salaries depend on their position within the company, with some getting more than others.

Payroll services are ones you can purchase from a third-party vendor. This vendor provides the necessary software for companies to pay their employees every month. They also consider a business’s tax obligations, making the necessary arrangements to pay the government.


How do Construction Companies Handle Complex Pay Rates?

Employees earn different salaries, and it’s up to the employers to consider this and find the right payroll services that accommodate these factors. When using your own payroll software, you can add variables to the technology to ensure accuracy in generating payroll.

However, the difficulty with construction businesses is that many workers work in different states. This means unique rules apply compared to typical employees, especially when factoring in union dues, attendance, working time, and so on.

Meeting a construction company’s specific needs requires hiring the right company offering payroll services. Many companies do not specialize in payroll services, so what they offer is often generic.

An experienced payroll service provider considers an employer’s unique needs and ensures that payroll is processed effectively.

How Often Do Employees Get Paid Through Payroll?

Most businesses have a generic salary-paying structure. This usually means employees get paid once a month, minus any deductions, such as unpaid leaves.

However, it’s up to the employer how they choose to pay their employees. Sometimes construction projects are contractual and dependent on when the organization receives money from clients. This could mean employees may receive their salaries every quarter or depending entirely on a project’s duration.

Whatever the case is, construction companies can communicate their desires to their payroll service provider. Or they can ask their IT team to configure the payroll software in a way that caters to these demands. Or they may choose financial management services for insightful advice on matters regarding payroll.

It’s worth noting that many payroll service providers charge more for weekly or bi-weekly services. This is because it requires more processing, which is an extra service cost. It’s not surprising for construction companies to pay their employees once a week, depending on the available projects.

Does Payroll Involve Hidden Fees?

In most cases, payroll services for construction businesses do have hidden fees. This could mean two different things. Firstly, payroll service providers are usually transparent about how much they charge for their services. However, in unique cases, like construction companies, they may charge extra for certain services, such as generating weekly payroll.

Secondly, companies may charge their employees a certain amount of money. This may not necessarily go into their pockets, but it can.

For example, some companies deduct monthly tax from their employees’ paychecks. They may also offer certain advantages, such as insurance and lunch, which are also deducted from the monthly payroll.

The tax and insurance deductions do not go into their pockets. However, the money for the lunch is for the business.

Payroll tracks attendance, casual leaves, sick leaves, annual leaves, and so on. This means that every time you take an extra leave, it’s deducted as a day’s wage from your payroll if you’re an employee. So, in this sense, payroll does involve ‘hidden’ fees.

Is it Possible to Quickly Fix Payroll Problems When You See Them?

Sometimes employees can have issues with their attendance. They may forget to sign in and out, leading to being marked absent incorrectly. In such cases, payroll software usually has ways to reach out to the ones managing it through queries and complaints.

If you’ve completed your work on a particular day and forgotten to sign in, they can check your work to see if you’ve attended on a particular day. This prevents the possibility of errors, but employees need to be proactive in their approach to handling their attendance issues.

When outsourcing your payroll needs to a service provider, employees often contact the third-party vendor directly. This can create delays in resolving issues, depending on the vendor’s efficiency. By choosing the right provider, you can ensure that your payroll needs are always met.

Are Construction Companies Overcharged for Payroll Services?

Construction businesses often have unique payroll challenges. They may overpay their payroll service providers, especially when buying all-encompassing packages. However, it is best to hire a vendor who only charges for the specific functions or features you need.

One tip to finding a good payroll service provider is to check if they offer tailored services. These are often essential for construction companies with unique criteria, so it helps to outsource payroll to the best vendor.

Hire a 24-Hour Bookkeeper for Financial Management Services and More

24-Hour Bookkeeper specializes in all kinds of accounting and financial management services. Our payroll process and reporting services are unparalleled, and we work hard to ensure your business can rely on us for timely compensation and tax handling.

Construction businesses have unique criteria, so hiring us ensures we meet your strict requirements!

Contact us on our website or call (218)885-3100.