Are The Financial Pieces Of Your Company Fitting Together?

Does it ever feel like the financial pieces of your construction company are just not fitting together like they should? There could be many reasons for this: from accurate bookkeeping, to proper workflow, or even the proper use of software. This is especially true if you have a successful construction business, but seem to be falling short of the ultimate potential your business could have as a whole. This is where proper financial management comes in! 

In the last five years, more business owners are looking to outsource their bookkeeping needs instead of doing it themselves or hiring an in-house bookkeeper. Why? It saves time, money, and offers higher levels of expertise. Here at 24hr Bookkeeper, we offer monthly bookkeeping services and by doing so, we guarantee accountability, accuracy, and confidence when it comes to your financial reports. When partnering with us you not only save time and money, but also have a team of experts that specialize in bookkeeping AND construction. This is a huge win for your company when it comes to financial management because we know what it takes to run projects simultaneously and to keep up with the high volume of jobs and their costs as well as staying on top of accurate budgets and job reports.

Workflow plays an important role as well when it comes to all pieces of your business fitting together the way they should. Your business might be doing well, but it’s easy to mismanage your money. When this happens, a small error could turn into a big problem and have a domino effect on other jobs and your business as a whole. We can create a customized and streamlined workflow that meets the needs of your growing business at any particular time. We can easily update and scale that workflow as your company grows and expands, therefore you will always have a proper workflow in place and can trust that your finances are being handled correctly every time. 

You might ask yourself, how does the use of software play a role in this? The truth is that many business owners underestimate the need for software integration. Needless to say, those that DO have their software integrated become one step ahead of the game in the construction industry! The reason for this is because using one software can only take you so far. Construction software has its pros, as does QuickBooks Online, but being able to integrate the two is what can help you get the most out of each. Does it sound easy? Yes. In reality is it easy to do? Not exactly, which is why we are here to help. As previously mentioned, we are experts in not just accounting, but in construction as well. We know all the ins and the outs of both industries and can help get your company streamlined and reduce some of the frustrations you might be having. 

Back to the original question, are all your pieces fitting together properly? Bookkeeping is just one piece of the puzzle, so is workflow and software integration. For your construction business to successfully grow and expand it’s important that all fit together the way they should. If not, we are here to help get you on track. We offer services ranging from monthly bookkeeping, workflow advisory, software integration, financial clean-up, and even payroll. Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have and we can set up a virtual meeting to discuss and take a closer look into what financial management services your company would benefit from the most!