Important Reasons Your Roofing Company Should Partner With 24hr Bookkeeper This Year

This is your year. You’ve decided to start the roofing company that you’ve always dreamed of! However, maybe there are a few things you didn’t take into consideration. One of the main ones being financial management. Maybe you didn’t realize how time consuming managing your own bookkeeping could be, or maybe your workflow cannot keep up with all the jobs coming in and going out, or possibly cash flow is the problem and you’re not sure what you’re doing wrong. That’s where 24hr Bookkeeping comes in! 


  1. Outsourcing your bookkeeping will free up some of your time and save you money along the way. Many business owners in roofing struggle to keep up with monthly financials and therefore either fall behind on their books or end up with inaccurate reports. You want to make sure that your reports are accurate and up to date every month. Waiting until the end of the year is one of the biggest mistakes that most companies make. Here at 24hr Bookkeeper, we provide monthly bookkeeping services with complete accuracy and make sure that you are current. Eliminating the stress and time needed for you to manage your bookkeeping allows you more time to focus on other aspects of your business that might need more attention such as job site management, employee scheduling, and client satisfaction.


  1. Another positive reason for your roofing company to partner with 24hr Bookkeeper is experience. We have the experience and knowledge needed to start you off on the right track and keep you there as your company continues to grow. We know the importance of expertise in the roofing industry and how that can make a difference when managing your company’s finances. We understand that the roofing industry is very fast paced and can get overwhelming to keep up with unless you have good workflows in place. Jobs are continuously coming in and finishing up quickly which can become difficult to keep up with. Not for us! We can help get you organized and make sure you have a handle on your cash flow.


  1. Is privacy and security your top priority? This would be another reason why partnering with us would be beneficial to you and your company. Everything on our end is secure and confidential. Your personal information and employee information doesn’t get passed around the office. Even though we are a team here at 24hr Bookkeeper, you are assigned only one bookkeeper and that bookkeeper is the only one with access to your records. You have a whole team backing you, without compromising your privacy and security. 


 Most roofing and construction companies don’t make it past five years. One of the reasons for this is poor financial management. When your finances are set up correctly right from the beginning, you are in a better position to move your business forward and continue to grow and scale. Too many roofing companies see money coming in and think that that’s all that needs to take place. However, many realize after a few years that without the proper management of that money, everything can come crashing down. With a team like us backing you and partnering with you in the roofing industry, negative financial impacts can be prevented right from the start!