Why Using Two Softwares Is Better Than One

Some of you might have construction management software that you use on a daily basis to run your business, while others might use QuickBooks. Did you know that integrating your software can help your business stay more current, organized, planned, and allow you to grow your business bigger and better? That’s right! You might be asking yourself, “why do I need both”, “Isn’t one or the other enough”? The fact is that two software programs are most definitely better than one. Integrating your software is more beneficial for your construction company in the short term, and especially in the long run.

Jack of all trades, master of none. Isn’t that how the saying goes? By utilizing construction management software, you are able to dig deeper into all of the areas needed to manage your jobs. A job has different stages and phases and each phase can dictate what you need to track and prepare. For example, a job that is in lead status, would require you to track the status of follow up and proposal. A job that is in progress requires the ability to look at the budget, manage purchase orders, and change orders so you can ensure you are profitable. Each of these different features in a construction management software can take your business to the next level by allowing you some automation, and an organized streamlined process to make scaling and growing your business possible.  Whether you have 2 jobs or 100, the benefits of using construction management software can change the way you do business for the better and improve your client experience. 

QuickBooks Online has taken accounting softwares to new heights and now allows you to automate and access your business financials from anywhere at any time. There is more to a business than just running a jobsite or buying products. Every business needs to be able to track their company financials. Meaning, you need to know where your company is spending money, and having a handle on the cash flow. How much overhead does your business have? What do you spend on payroll wages and taxes? All these things can be tracked and managed inside of QuickBooks Online. When you keep your business finances up to date through QuickBooks, you can make decisions for your business and have a clear picture of your company’s financial health. 

By using two specialized softwares together you will be able to tie all aspects of your company together. You will bring everything from lead management, to estimating, to bookkeeping, to month end reporting together so the information is consistent and the process is clear and easy to follow across the board. You are also able to keep control and give permission on what access you are sharing with your company and team members. Allowing for project managers to stay in the job financials and not your company financials. Too many hands in the pot can create a mess fast, so by controlling who has access to what, you will help with keeping your finances accurate and clean.  With all of the technology out there, you must ask yourself, “are you utilizing it to your advantage?”  Lean on the different apps to help save yourself time, money and headaches! 

There are so many apps out there for businesses and finding the ones you need the most can be a challenge. Start by asking yourself which part of your business are you spending most of your time? Then the next step would be to see if there is any software out there that can help make that process easier. QuickBooks Online has a whole suite of apps that integrate into it and allow you to get away from the pen and paper or excel sheets and lean on apps that streamline and automate. This makes life a lot easier! Two softwares are better than one in today’s world because of the endless app possibilities. Don’t be afraid to make the change, technology isn’t going anywhere and will only continue to grow everyday. There may never be the “right time” to implement new technology, but with a good partner and a willingness to change it is possible and will keep your business ahead of everyone else!