Who Does 24hr Bookkeeper Provide Services To?

At 24hr Bookkeeper, we value our clients and their partnership with us. We take the time to truly know and understand them and what their needs might be in order to help them grow and build their business. We are not only a team of experts in the financial industry, but we are also experts in the construction industry. While other financial management firms might believe that one size fits all, we know that’s far from the truth. We provide services to spec/model home builders, design/custom builders, developers, remodelers, commercial general contractors, subcontractors, and roofers. In the construction field, it’s important not to have just ANY team backing you, but the RIGHT team.

Spec/Model Home Builders

spec/model home

Loans is the key word when it comes to spec/model homebuilders. Whether it’s purchasing lots, or the construction building phase, loans are needed to get these pieces of the spec/home build moving. This can create complicated workflows such as how to record draw requests and the proper way to account for expenses paid directly from the bank to your subs, or when to recognize revenue or even how to manage work in progress accounts​​. We understand what your position is and we provide services to accommodate your needs. It’s important for your finances to be accurate and up to date and we can help with complicated transactions, maintain loans properly, and create a process that helps you succeed.

Design/Custom Builders

custom home

Cost codes are an important part of your bookkeeping success and need to be set up correctly to fit your needs. You need to know where your costs are at any given moment on a project and you need to be able to compare them to your budget. Your customers rely on you to do so. We can help keep you on track and make sure you have a clear understanding of your financials from not only a project perspective, but from your company side as well.


HUD statements, investors and multiple loans are common things developers manage as part of their financial workflow. Having a good system in place to manage all these pieces is the difference that makes or breaks your investment. The need for accurate reports for investors or your banker is continuous and we can work with you to keep your finances organized and updated.


Remodelers tend to handle all different types of projects, which could get complicated. We understand that your process needs to be able to handle various projects at various times and our services are guaranteed to make sure of that. We are here to make sure that the proper system is created to manage your costs and project profitability. Having cost codes that are streamlined from estimating to project management to bookkeeping is important to your overall financial workflow.

Commercial General Contractors

From completing AIA forms, to payroll reporting, to the need for an accurate WIP report; it is crucial your systems can handle the requirements to run a commercial project. Accurate and timely reporting is just as important as managing the subs and phases. 24hr Bookkeeper has done it — by providing high-level accounting and reporting, our clients have been able to keep large projects on track. By partnering with us, we can help you lessen the financial workload.


Assisting subcontractors specializing in everything from excavating to flooring, the 24hr Bookkeeper team has got your covered. Our team understands the complexities you face and is determined to make it easier for you. We are experienced with AIA billing, keeping track of employee hours and travel, and setting up streamlined processes to handle both residential and commercial financial tracking. With multiple softwares involved, our team can work with you to determine the workflow and services that fit your needs.


As a roofing company, business moves very fast and your financial workflow needs to keep up. Jobs are coming in as quickly as they are finishing up which leaves little to no time to keep up with the numbers. Adding insurance, supplements and commissions into the mix makes managing your cash flow even more complicated. With the right process in place, you can have a better handle on your cash flow and even get those material rebates in on time, saving you money! Our experts can also help balance your QuickBooks file and reconcile your account so you don’t have to.

With all of these options in place, we know that certain ones will fit your needs the best. One size does NOT fit all, and we believe that your company deserves a customized process depending on your specific company needs. Reach out to us and we can provide you with our expertise in software and financials that will help streamline your business and get you moving in a successful direction!